Nutrient utilization in Papua New Guinean mixed-genotype growing pigs fed boiled sweet potato or cassava roots blended with a wheat-based protein concentrate
Sweet potato (SP) and cassava roots are important feeds in Asia-Pacific countries where local mixed genotype (MG) pigs are bred for meat production. However, the impact of dietary fibre on nutrient digestibility and N balance when roots are boiled needs examination. Two consecutive 32 d metabolic trials (Exp1 and Exp2) in 0.7 m raised double-unit crates (1.0 m × 1.0 m × 1.5 m) allowing separate collection of urine and faeces in a 4 × 4 Latin Square design with eight MG growing pigs, four in each trial with mean starting body weights of 24.7 ± 0.74 kg (Exp1) and 30.5 ± 2.15 kg (Exp2), tested the hypothesis that there would be no differences in performance, nutrient digestibility and N balance from feeding a wheat-based pellet feed (STD), 570 g/kg DM boiled SP roots (SBR43), or 550 g/kg DM boiled cassava-roots (CBR45) or milled-roots (CMR45) blended with a complementary protein concentrate at 430 or 450 g/kg DM, respectively. DM intakes on SBR43 and CBR45 were much higher (p<0.05) than CMR45 or STD, however, the ADG and FCR shared statistical similarities. Coefficient of apparent total tract digestibility (CATTD) of DM (0.81-0.88), organic matter (OM) (0.88-0.92), and energy utilization (0.97-0.99) were superior (p<0.05) in pigs fed the root-based diets than STD. Fibre, protein and fat CTTAD were also improved on the root-based diets, but ash, Ca and total P CTTAD were reduced (p<0.05) compared with STD, and from Exp 1 to Exp 2. The N digestibility (NR-Intake %) and utilization (NR-Digested %) were lower for pigs fed the root-based diets due to very high urine N losses (p<0.05). However, the N retained (g/d) were comparable and provided MG pigs with 28.2-34.4 (CBR45), 16.4-23.9 (CMR45), 27.2-31.8 (SBR43) and 23.0-27.5 (STD) g N/d respectively. Digestible nutrients were in excess of the requirements of MG pigs, particularly for protein N, and further refinement of the nutrition provided by SP and cassava root-based diets is possible.
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