Broad mites: tiny terrors in protected structures - A scoping review of its identification, abundance, and holistic management strategies
Broad mites are serious pests of capsicum cultivated under protected structures in Fiji. Being a cosmopolitan and polyphagous pest, studies have been done in other countries. Still, there is no available data on the identification of the local broad mite species and its relationship to environmental factors under protected structures. Consequently, appropriate management is limited in the country. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive summary of existing knowledge on broad mite identification, abundance, and holistic management, describe the methodologies used in previous broad mite studies, and identify research gaps and limitations to serve as a basis for broad mite research and management in Fiji. The study used the checklist provided by the PRISMA extension for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR). The data set included 52 peer-reviewed Web of Science and ProQuest articles published between 2000-2024. The review showed that although broad mite studies have been done in other parts of the world, there is no current literature on the species of broad mite in Fiji, its abundance, and management under protected structures, which are identified as research gaps that need further studies for successful management of broad mites in Fiji.
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