Use of Agrochemicals in Pineapple Farming: A case study from Madhupur Forest Areas of Bangladesh
Non-optimal and non-judicious use of agrochemicals has increased particularly in developing countries with introduction of modern agriculture. This may lead to environmental degradation and health hazards to both growers and consumers. Thus, a case study was conducted at Jalchatra village of Madhupur upazila (sub-district), Bangladesh to determine the extent of use of agro-chemicals by the pineapple farmers. Data were collected from randomly selected 60 pineapple farmers out of 300 farmers of the study village during September to October 2017 through questionnaire survey. Majority (62%) of the respondents had high extent of use of agro-chemicals, where 38% of them had medium extent of use of agro-chemicals during pineapple farming. Agro-chemicals like urea, TSP, MoP, superfix, gibberellic acid, calcium carbide and formalin were being extensively applied on pineapple during cultivation as well as for artificial ripening and enhancing the fruit size. From the correlation analysis it was evident that age, farming experience, extension media contact, training on agro-chemicals use and knowledge on harmful effects of agro-chemicals had significant relationships with their extent of use of agro-chemicals in pineapple farming. The study also explored that more than 90% of the respondent farmers had used higher doses and higher frequencies of agro-chemicals in pineapple farming.
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