Bioconversion of fermented kitchen waste or sweetpotato roots by Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae reared in an open shed environment
This study examined the utilization by Black Soldier Fly (BSF) for recycling organic waste into larvae as a protein rich feed for fish and chicken farmers. Research on the black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) for waste management has gained worldwide interest, however information is needed on its practical application at smallholder level. Bioconversion units referred to as “bio-digesters” were designed to incubate, hatch, feed and harvest BSFL into its last instar life cycle. Six bio-digester units were placed in a randomized block design in an open-shed environment allowing free access for natural repopulation by BSF. A 45-day life cycle was allowed for three sampling periods for collection of BSFL and evaluation of bioconversion of fermented household kitchen waste (KW) and sweet potato silage (SPS). Average wet weight of 50.71±0.12 kg SPS and KW media was seeded at the start of each period with 215±0.12 g of 10 - 14-dayold BSFL. Mean harvested weight was 379.3 and 100.6 g for KW and SPS respectively (p<0.001) from yields of 22.6 and 14.5 g per day for the two types of waste, respectively (p<0.001). Waste reduction was 48% for KW and 35% for SPS (p<0.05). However, bioconversion rate was low at 2% for both KW and SPS (p>0.05). KW provided better yield than SPS demonstrating a 60% linear-log increase (p<0.01). The lower pH within the fermented media was critical in SPS than in KW despite having stable environmental conditions in the medium where mortality was observed in the SPS media at pH 2. Open-shed production of BSFL within bio-digester units demonstrated recycling of almost 50% of fermented kitchen waste into high protein larvae.
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