Comparative Efficacy of Chemicals, Entomopathogenic Fungus and Botanical for the Management of Red Spider Mite Tetranychus macfarlanei
Tetranychus macfarlanei Baker & Pritchard, a serious phytophagous pest of many economical crops. In this study, the effects of six reduced risk chemicals viz. abamectin, bifenthrin, bifenazate, etoxazole, hexythiazox, and spinosad with various mode of action, entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana and botanical neem oil were evaluated against adult and egg stages of T. macfarlanei under laboratory conditions. The survivability of adult female and eggs of T. macfarlanei considering all chemicals are dose dependent. The response of adult female against different chemicals between observed and expected values were closely fitted. The LC50 values of all chemicals except spinosad were effective against eggs and adult females of the T. macfarlanei. Etoxazole, known for inhibiting hatching and moulting might be recommended against egg stage as they found suitable but were not much effective against adult mites (LC50 = 340.83 and 0.55 ppm for adults and eggs, respectively). Neem oil was found to be moderately effective against eggs and adult females of T. macfarlanei (LC50 = 2.75 and 2.73% for adults and eggs, respectively). The entomopathogen, B. bassiana was also found to be effective against eggs and adult females of T. macfarlanei (LC50 = 3.63×107 and 3.98×107 spore mL-1 for adults and eggs, respectively). Finally, it could be concluded that all chemicals except spinosad (LC50 > 2800 ppm for eggs) can be used for the management of red spider mite but the entomopathogenic fungus B. bassiana and the botanical Neem oil will be promising alternatives for successful management of T. macfarlanei in IPM program.
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