Canarium (Canarium indicum) cake as source of lysine in fermented cassava-copra meal diets with challenzyme for broilers in Solomon Islands

Desmond Sandakabatu, Siaka Diarra


In a 32-day experiment, the effect of feeding canarium cake in place of lysine in fermented cassava-copra meal based diets on broiler performance was investigated. Six test diets based on cassava-copra meal were formulated to have similar nutrients content to the commercial feed at starter and finisher phases. Two of the test diets were supplemented with HCL lysine with and without enzyme. In the other four diets canarium cake was fed at 5 and 10% with and without enzyme in place of HCL lysine. A total of 126, 10-day old, broilers were allotted to 21 floor pens containing 6 birds each and groups of seven diets. The test diets and commercial diet (control) were fed each to birds in 3 replicate pens in a completely randomised design. Feed intake, weight gain, feed: gain, relative weights of carcass and breast muscle were improved on the commercial feed (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in growth and relative weights of carcass and breast muscle among the cassava-copra meal based diets (P>0.05). The relative weight of thighs did not differ among dietary treatments (P>0.05). Drumstick weight was maximised on the canarium diets without enzyme compared to the control (P<0.05). It was concluded cassava-copra meal based diets cannot produce performances comparable to the commercial diet regardless of nutrient balance and enzyme supplementation but canarium cake can replace HCL lysine in the diets without compromising growth and carcass parameters. Further researches into pelleting, enzyme source and concentration are recommended.


Alternative lysine sources, Canarium cake, Dietary fibre, Complex enzyme, Broiler performance

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