Editorial Team


  1. Dr Md Abdul Kader, The University of the South Pacific, Samoa

Section Editors

  1. Dr Sunil Singh, The University of the South Pacific Laucala Campus Suva, Fiji
  2. Professor Aurora Saulo, University of Hawaii at Manoa, United States
  3. Professor Steven Underhill, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
  4. Dr Siaka Diarra, The University of the South Pacific, Samoa
  5. Professor Ladislav Kokoska, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic
  6. Professor Keith Tomlins, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
  7. Professor Satish Chandra, Australia
  8. Professor Shamsul Akanda, PNG University of Technology, Lae 411, Papua New Guinea
  9. Dr Krishna Kumar, Bioversity International, India
  10. Dr Reza Abdollahi, Massey University, New Zealand
  11. Professor Surendra Prasad, School of Agriculture, Geography, Environment, Ocean and Natural Science (SAGEONS) The University of South Pacific, Fiji
  12. Professor M Jahiruddin, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
  13. Dr. Tapas Biswas, Fenner School of Environment and Society, College of Science, Australian National University, Australia

Layout Editors

  1. Dr. Leslie T Ubaub, School of Agriculture and Food Technology, University of South Pacific, Samoa
  2. Dr. Viliame Savou, The University of the South Pacific, Fiji