Enhancing Market-Oriented Agricultural Production in the Pacific Island Countries: Implications for Extension Systems

Jagdish P Bhati, Mohammed Umar, Nandakumar M Desai


Import bills of food items in Pacific Island Countries (PICs) is much more than their food export earnings and thus they are suffering from chronic food trade deficit. To ameliorate this situation there is a need to enhance agricultural production and to make it market-oriented. Trading in foreign markets faces competitive environment and supply of high quality food products with health safety assurance. To improve farmers’ access to global markets and export diversification, enhancing farmers’ knowledge about the modern methods of production and marketing of healthy foods is essential. This paper outlines a marketing training module and the matrix of market information required for rational decision-making by the farmers and other marketers operating at different levels in the agri-food supply chain. A strategy for transforming the exiting production-focused agricultural extension services into the integrated production-cum-market-oriented extension services is also presented. The premise of the paper is that integration of the agricultural production with marketing systems will improve the economic conditions of the small island nations of the South Pacific, and the vibrant extension services would play an important role in the growth and sustainability of this system.



Market-led agriculture growth, Market-oriented extension, Pacific islands agriculture exports

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