Insecticidal effects of Matrine against flower thrips, Thrips hawaiiensis Morgan on ‘Cavendish’ banana
Matrine is a natural derivative extracted from the leaves and roots of Shrubby sophora (Sophora flavescens), a new broad spectrum biological insecticides for the management of wide range of pests. In this study, Matrine at 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 mL/L of water were statistically comparable to commercial insecticide abamectin 1.8SL at 4.0 mL/L of water in managing the thrips population on ‘Cavendish’ banana after three days from bud injection. No statistical difference was noted among treatments in terms of thrips mortality and oviposition damage. Numerically, however among the treated fruits, highest number of thrips were found in samples applied with Matrine at 1.5 mL/L and it obtained the highest mean percent of fruit with slight thrips oviposition damage and had the least mean percent of fruits with severe oviposition damage recovered. In terms of brown scab/water soak damage, Matrine at 0.5 mL/L of water commercial insecticide Abamectin 1.8SL at 4.0 mL/L of water gave superior results obtaining the highest clean fruits recovered. Among treatments, Matrine (0.5 mL/L and 1.0 mL/L of water) gave superior results obtaining the highest Class A fruits and were comparable to commercial insecticide Abamectin 1.8SL at 4.0 mL/L of water and Matrine at 1.5 mL/L. Thus, Matrine is an effective biological insecticide against Flower Thrips (T. hawaiiensis) and should be tested in a semi-commercial trial.
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